Why IntelliHire

IntelliHire makes hiring easier, faster, & affordable

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IntelliHire is a suite of online tools that make the hiring process easier for both candidates and employers. We offer full service for sourcing, assessing, and interviewing candidates. Our service allows employers to construct automated interviews to automatically assess and rank candidates to find the best fit for their company. Our team-hiring tools allow multiple employees to provide feedback on prospective candidates in a shared space. Our communication controls let employers choose how many or how few notifications they receive as candidates are selected or removed from consideration.

IntelliHire features a built-in Applicant Tracking System so employers can easily source, recruit, and manage applicants. What sets IntelliHire above other hiring software is that it allows for advanced automated interviewing. Most ‘screeners’ only allow for simple, linear lines of questioning. With IntelliHire employers can conduct screening interviews with hundreds of candidates automatically and without the hassles of scheduling

No, instead, our platform provides employers with a centralized place to funnel, interview, and screen interested applicants that can be easily sourced from job search sites, social networks, and your company website.

Nothing. As long as you have a web browser and access to the internet, you can use IntelliHire.



IntelliHire offers monthly or yearly billing. Yearly plans have a 30 day money-back guarantee if customers decide to cancel their agreement.

Yes, accounts can upgrade plans at any time, and downgrade plans at the end of their current subscription term. For yearly agreements, a 30 day window is provided to clients at the beginning of the next subscription term to downgrade their plan if they choose to do so.

No, setup is entirely free.


Employer can attach interviews to their job postings, with questions and response options customized to the employer’s needs. Applicants are automatically invited to participate in these interviews upon completion of their application.

Employers can choose between pre-defining responses to questions (such as multiple choice answers) and then assign points to the correct response, or they can allow applicants to respond to questions with written responses which require manual review and grading. Our system keeps track of the scores assigned to responses by reviewers, and updates applicant assessments accordingly once they are finished.

Yes, each job can have multiple interviews associated with it. A typical example is an initial screener to determine basic qualifications, followed by a more in-depth interview with questions designed to assess knowledge and experience. Employers can advance promising candidates to these follow up interviews at their own discretion

Our automated interview process allows employers to specifically designate which employees are responsible for candidate appraisal and interviewing. If you have a team-based hiring process, IntelliHire will allow for team members’ comments on an applicant to be easily accessed and reviewed.


Yes, IntelliHire enables employers to easily promote their open positions on popular social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter with the click of a button. Employers can even schedule posts to social media in advance.

You can post to both free and fee-based job boards such as Indeed and CareerBuilder with our platform. IntelliHire will pay for the job posting itself, and then invoice your account.